Sunday, 10 May 2009

Yes please!

It was one of those nights, when just as we're settling down for the night at 11pm, Hannah wakes up. So down I go, again and again, getting crosser and crosser and more and more tired. She was up till 2.30am in the end.

But the last time I went down, I was asking her if she wanted the light off, and she said yeah followed by another sound, quite deliberately. I asked her again, and then realised that she was saying yes please! I think she must have been saving it for when her mother's defences were at a low ebb. She's now saying it quite a lot, which is brilliant (two words together and all that), though you have to know it's what she's saying. But still. Such a clever girl. Just wish it didn't have to be at 2 in the morning.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

And some photos

Couldn't resist these.
This was taken earlier in the week when I finally got around to seeing if her hair will go up in bunches - it does! We've waited a long time for this much hair!

This one is what Hannah did on the fridge in the week - not that she likes ordering things in lines or anything...

Boats, ducks, and Hannah

Just had the following rather random conversation with Hannah as I was putting her to bed. (Please bear in mind that Hannah is signing and I am interpreting and that this is the abridged version...)

Yeah. Green.
Yeah. Boat.
Green boat?
Yeah. Ducks.
Ducks in the green boat?
Yeah. Hannah.
Hannah and the ducks in the green boat?
No [stupid mother expression] blue boat Hannah.
Oh, so Hannah in the blue boat and the ducks in the green boat?
Yeah. [Sits back satisfied at finally having conveyed something to her oh-so-thick mother that vaguely resembles what she's actually thinking.]