Tuesday, 8 September 2009

More knitting, and other random comments...

I finally found the fingerless mitts, so I was able to count them and see what happened.  They were a row or two out, but only a row or two, so I think it must have been a combination of tension and counting.  Next time I will be more careful!

We had a lovely time at Greenbelt, meeting up with friends and going to various things (with a fair bit of sleeping as well). Didn't get much knitting done though!  I did get quite a bit done at Granny's though, and have got past the pocket on the front of the marble jumper, which I'm rather pleased with (you can jut about see it on the photo).  I should soon be up to the armhole shaping and then the excitement of the neckline starts.

Finally a rather cute picture of S taken whilst we were away - aww!