Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Another essay, and WIPs...

Yes, I'm in that well-known coffee shop again for another round of me vs essay no 2.  It's not going well, I should be on number 3 by now, but number 2 just isn't inspiring me.  Ah well, gotta get it done.

In a fit of desperation and distraction, I've made a list of all my WIPs:
Lacy top
Cardigan for H
Seaweed Socks
Cowls x3
Celestine - nearly finished (and needs to be finished by the end of this week).  Cardigan for H - started three years ago, currently snoozing gently in the corner, but needs to be woken up, finished, and worn, before they are all too big for it.  The cowls are rapidly rushing to the top of the list as they need to be done by the end of term;  I finished one yesterday on the way home from the beach, but due to being very tired forgot that it needed a stretchy bind off, so I need to rip back the BO and do it again differently. Doh.  The plus side is that I need another ball of wool for one of them, which I will have to order, so I might stretch to a pair of metal knitpro interchangeables, because I want to try them out.  It's for research purposes you see.

We were on our way to the beach yesterday morning, Chris driving and me armed with the OS map of the area we were going to (Llandudno).  I quickly discovered that it's a two sided map and I was on the wrong side, which means opening the whole thing out to turn it round.  I was trying to do it whilst going along, until Chris forbade me because he couldn't see the road. (Honestly.  What do you mean, you need to see the road to drive?  It'll only take a minute...)  So I asked him to pull in at the upcoming petrol station, and got the 'can't you wait until we stop at the services?' answer (he was a bit cross by this point).  To which I repiled, but I need to see the map, if I change it I can look at it now, and to my surprise he said yeah, I see, it's a map, and stopped.  Sometimes we really do think the same :)

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